President’s Message
Welcome to Summer Clearwater Beach… still the place to be this summer. The swimmers, paddlers, kayakers, canoers, boaters, fishermen/women, playground kids, basketball and bocce players and sunset watchers are all enjoying the bounty of our life on Gardiner’s Bay.
We have a fully trained lifeguard crew, wonderful new benches and tables for our cookouts and leisurely daydreaming, the children’s area with its slides and swings, our beautiful marina and, of course, our great beach.
Thanks to our maintenance committee for their efforts in preparing our reservation for the season. They dredged our channel, replaced the damaged marina pilings, repaired the floating dock, replaced old signs, installed low-density night lights at the picnic area and bocce court, re-graveled the parking lot and roadway, and (planned as of this writing) repairs to the sun shed, a new wooden walkway there and a mobi-map to assist the physically impaired, and on and on.
Please don’t forget that this is your community, your home ground where you and your family and friends can safely enjoy the wonderful things that our area has to offer.
Be diligent in keeping it clean and secure by participating in reporting any problems or wrongdoings that you might encounter.
And, of course, please come to the Clearwater Beach annual meeting on Saturday, July 30th at 10 am at the Springs school. Please remember to vote using the
Enclosed proxy card, and mail them in ASAP.
And last but not least, please come to our Annual Jim Carforo Summer Party on Saturday, July 9th. This is the time when you and your family and friends can really enjoy what Clearwater is all about.
As usual, we will have lots of food and drinks; and don’t forget, there is always free ice cream for everyone.
Dan Aharoni, President,
From the Desk of the Executive Secretary

Happy Summer to all!
As of June 7, we currently have 782 paid members in good standing out of a total of 865. If you have not done so already, please take a moment to pay your dues which are vital to keeping the reservation in the wonderful condition it is in.
The 2022 Annual Beach Picnic at the Reservation is in the planning stages again and is scheduled for July 9, 2022 from 4-8 pm with the grills being turned off at 6:30 pm.
The Annual Meeting of Members will be held on Saturday, July 30, 2022 at the Springs School Library at 10 am and via the Zoom app. As with all regular Board of Director meetings, I will be sending out an email a week or so beforehand as a reminder. All those interested in joining the meeting may request the Zoom ID# and password.
All CBPOA members are welcome to attend, and members in good standing may vote. The summer newsletter will contain biographies of all those who are running for a Board of Director’s seat and the explanations of proposed changes to the By-Laws and maintenance fee. Whether you attend the meeting or not, please fill out and mail in the proxy card that should be found in this edition of the newsletter. Your vote is extremely important. Please, only one vote per lot number.
Please keep in mind that in order for your gate cards to be operable, your dues must be paid in full. As we are already into June, and by the time you read this it will be the end of the month, I will have already deactivated any cards whose member fees are not current.
The Board of Directors will again hire the Blue Line Security Company, whom we have employed for the past few years, to help police entry into the Reservation and picnic area. The guards will also walk the area from time to time to make sure the required safety protocols are being followed. They will have a list of all paid members, but it is strongly advised that you bring your gate card at ALL times when entering the Reservation. Yes, even on bicycles and foot. If your dues are not paid, you will not be allowed to enter. As there is only one name on the list of paid owners that I supply to the security guards, please be sure to know who is the primary name on the account, whether it is a proper name or an LLC.
In looking back at the number of home sales in Clearwater Beach, there have been 144 turnovers from November of 2019 to May 30, 2022, with a few pending at this current time. That’s a lot of new neighbors in a relatively short time
While it may seem a bit early to be talking about winter/summer changes of address, the fall newsletter may come out after some of you head to warmer climates. Please let me know before you leave and before you are to return back to the area so I can make the address changes. This will ensure you will not miss any mailings that are scheduled to be sent to you.
Enjoy the summer, be safe and have a great season.

FROM the DOCK MASTER: As of this writing we have NO slips available at the marina. We have 25 kayak rack spaces still available all on top. We dredged this year with great success and have a clear inlet to the bay.
This year quite a few renters submitted their application later than usual and were not able to obtain the same slip assignment as last year or at all. It is still our policy to normally reassign those boaters the same slip if their application was received before February 15. Boaters who gave up their slip in the previous season will not be granted that slip if someone else has occupied the slip for remainder of that season.
Our marina has a limited number of slips available for boats of certain sizes; we did not have any applicants with boats larger than 31 feet although there were phone inquiries about accommodating larger boats. Boat owners whose boat is 23 feet with an 8.5-foot beam or larger will not have a slip on the floating dock; only boats 21 feet or smaller will be considered for the floating dock because the distance between the dock fingers is only 16 feet. You may see boats larger than 21’ on the floater; those boats have been grandfathered in and will remain for now. Renters who decide to give up their slip and notify the Dock Master may get a prorated refund providing another boat can be assigned that slip.
If you have experienced problems at the Reservation, please inform our secretary Mr. Gary Grille, the Assistant Dock Master or myself. This should be done as soon as possible. We ask all boaters to review the Marina Rules and Regulations that they received with the slip assignment.
MARINE INSURANCE: CBPOA again invoked the insurance requirements for boaters who desired a slip at our marina. Marine liability insurance coverage for each boat at the marina is required. We require an indication of this with a certificate of insurance (COI) indicating this coverage. An indication of Clearwater Beach Property Owners Association as an interested party must be included in the COI. Please note boats 25 ft or longer or boats less than 25 ft, which have permanent installed fuel tanks, must have spillage coverage designated in the COI. Most boaters had no problem meeting the CBPOA requirements and honored our request to only send the COI form and not their entire boat policy.
While the Coast Guard requires that you have the original registration on board your boat, you should keep a copy of the registration at home. Some boaters could not submit their application because the registration was still on the boat while it was stored for the winter.
If during the boating season, your boat registration has expired, we request a copy of your new registration. This also holds true for changes in a boat insurance policy. This boating season, there were a number of applicants who did not submit a valid vessel registration and/or COI. The assignment will only be issued when the required data is provided. The registration has to be in the name of the member in order to get an assignment.
PUMPOUTS: Our policy of notifying boat owners if their boat is in danger of sinking is in place. If the boat owner does not respond, we will contact a marine service to pump out the boat at a cost to the boat owner. CBPOA will pay the marine service for the pump out and in turn will bill the boater. Failure to pay this bill will result in a denial of a slip in the future. The pump out fee will be set by the marine service. To avoid any pump out cost, the boat owner should periodically check the floating condition of their boat particularly after a rainstorm.
We cannot stress enough to make sure all lines, especially your spring lines, are checked at both low and high tides. We had a number of instances last season where boats got hung up on the dock during a moon high tide and almost sunk, damaged both the dock and ladder and their boat. Also, it is very important if you are on the floater that your anchor or anchor pulpit does not block the walkway. This is very dangerous!

ALSO, LARGE BUMPERS NEXT TO THE DOCK ARE NOT NEEDED AND ONLY MAKES SPACE SMALLER. Tie your boat as tight as you can to the finger dock so you do not interfere with your neighbor. If we call you to tell you your boat needs to be checked, please do so or at least let somebody know to have it checked.
KAYAK/CANOES: This season again we issued two stickers to renters with the assigned rack space: year and CBPOA emblem. The stickers must be mounted on the front and back of the kayak/canoe where it can be easily seen. Vessels without stickers will be removed from the racks. We have experienced problems with renters storing their kayak on a rack without a sticker. THEY WILL BE REMOVED AND STORED INSIDE OUR LOCKED BLOCK HOUSE.
Remember, our marina is full so when docking go SLOW IN AND OUT OF YOUR SLIP. If you are new to boating, check the weather and wind before going out and practice on calm days because practice makes perfect! The wind can make docking miserable, so also familiarize yourself with boating charts of the area.
I hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable boating season. Remember we have plenty of water so never get too close to another vessel. You never know what could happen so better safe than sorry.
Stay Safe,
Ken Neary, Dock Master (516-318-3367)
Phyllis Italiano
A cool spring this year has produced the best lettuce and arugula we have ever had in our own garden, giving us great salads. Other cool-weather vegetables, like spinach, have also been doing beautifully, but other plants like eggplants and peppers have not fared as well.
We continue to look forward to growing and buying from our local farm stands the best that our very special soil, the best in NYS, has to offer. Remember, eating and cooking vegetables is what keeps us healthy and our weight under control.
Asparagus and Potato Soup

2 tbs. Olive Oil
3 cups of Vegetable Broth
1 cup of Peeled and Diced Potato
1 lb. Asparagus, trimmed & cut into 1 in. pieces
1 cup of Whole Wheat Bread Cubes
2 teaspoons of Horseradish
Salt and Pepper
1 Shallot chopped
1 Scallion chopped

Line a pot with olive oil and gently cook the shallot.
When the shallot is soft, add all the other ingredients and cook until vegetable are done.
Allow the soup to cool and then puree using whatever device you have, a blender or the Cusinart whir stick.
Fry the bread cubes in olive oil until golden.
Add salt and pepper to the soup to taste and serve with a garnish of bread cubes and scallions cut into ¼ inch pieces.
(Since I make asparagus often, I always use the discarded ends to make my own vegetable broth.) This soup might work well cold in the hot weather.

Best Hamburgers Ever

2 tbs. Olive Oil
3 cups of Vegetable Broth
1 cup of Peeled and Diced Potato
1 lb. Asparagus, trimmed & cut into 1 in. pieces
1 cup of Whole Wheat Bread Cubes
2 teaspoons of Horseradish
Salt and Pepper
1 Shallot chopped
1 Scallion chopped

In a large bowl, add all the ingredients and mix ingredients together in a kneading fashion to evenly distribute the panko.
Adjust ingredients if the mixture is too wet or too dry. This will also depend on the kind of ground beef you use.
Shape into hamburgers and grill on outdoor barbeque.
Add cheese as the grilling is about to end. The heat of the hamburger will melt the cheese.
Toast rolls on grill and put together.
If you prefer, an onion can be sliced and grilled to top the burger.

In accordance with ARTICLE IV, SECTION 1 of the CBPOA By-laws, the Thirty-Eighth Annual Meeting of Members will be held on Saturday, July 30, 2022, at 10:00AM at the Springs School Library and via the Zoom app. All members are invited to attend.
The purpose of the meeting is as follows:
- The election of six Directors for two-year terms and the election of two Directors for one-year terms
- The amendment of two by-laws.
- The transaction of other business that may properly come before the meeting.
With respect to Item 1, details are contained in the Proxy Statement below.
Enclosed herewith for members in good standing are one or more Proxy ballots. If no Proxy ballot is enclosed, one or more may be obtained upon application to the Secretary. Members are urged, whether or not they plan to attend the meeting in person, to fill in, sign and return the Proxy ballot(s) on the self-addressed card as soon as possible. Please do it now. Your vote is very important.
In accordance with ARTICLE II, SECTION 2 of the by-laws, each member shall be entitled to ONE vote for EACH Maintenance Fee paid. Votes cast by delinquent members must be voided.
The Order of Business for the meeting shall be in accordance with ARTICLE IV, SECTION 5 of the by-laws as follows:
- Minutes of prior meeting
- Reports of Officers
- Reports of CommitteesNew business
- Election of Directors
- Unfinished business
- New business
PROXY STATEMENT 1: This statement is furnished in connection with the solicitation of proxies by the Board of Directors of the CBPOA, Inc. for use at the Annual Meeting of Members on Saturday, July 30, 2022.
USE THE ENCLOSED POSTCARD PROXY TO CAST YOUR VOTE(s). The proxies named on the card will VOTE AS DIRECTED thereon by the member.
With respect to Item 4 (the election of Directors) in the Call for the Meeting, there are six Directors whose two-year term of office will expire on the day of the Annual Meeting. The Board endorses all six for the two-year term. They are Gerry Giliberti, Fred Kleinsteuber, Jon Tarbet, Ken Neary, Michael Waltz and Paula Miano. There are also two one-year terms that will be filled at this election due to vacancies in office while in term. There are three candidates running for the two positions, Scott Sassoon, Rebecca Gordon, and Stipe Steven Rancic. The Board endorses Scott Sassoon and Rebecca Gordon for the one-year term. The six top vote-receiving nominees shall fill the two-year terms
The next two top vote-receiving nominees shall fill the one-year terms.
The Board of Directors invites the attention of all members to the following: Members may vote for ANY eight of the above named. Ballots on which the member votes for others MUST BE VOIDED.
Biographies and Resolution explanations are located elsewhere in this Newsletter.
PROXY STATEMENT 2: The Board proposes two amendments to our By-Laws.
The first amendment concerns the ownership by East Hampton Town of 30 vacant lots, dedicated for preservation. The Board has long-maintained a policy of not charging the Town membership fees so as not to give the Town any possible claim that the public may use our facilities. Because the By-Laws require each lot owner to pay membership dues and grants each dues-payer the rights of voting, participation and use of facilities, the Board now seeks to amend Article XI: Maintenance Fees of the By-Laws to codify the policy exempting the Town. The proposed amendment reads as follows:
*** Article XI, Section 6: Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary in these By-Laws, membership fees for lots owned by East Hampton Town or other government or preservation entities are waived, and such owners shall have no rights of membership, including without limitation the right to vote or to otherwise participate in the affairs of the Association or to use the Association’s facilities.
The Directors recommend, “Yes” to the Resolution to amend the By-Laws
The second amendment will modernize the annual meeting voting process to allow internet voting in addition to paper ballot voting. The proposed amendment reads as follows:
***Article V Section 1:
The Directors of the Association shall be elected at the annual meeting. The members may vote in person or by secure electronic voting via computer, phone or tablet or similar method as authorized by the Board of Directors.
The Directors recommend, “Yes” to the Resolution to amend the By-Laws
This meeting will be held live at the Springs School Library and also via the Zoom app at 10 am. Instructions will be provided.
All members are reminded that any member may nominate another in good standing for election providing the nomination is made in writing, addressed to the Secretary, and received prior to May 15th of that current election year as per Article V, Section 2 of the CBPOA By-Laws.
Gary M. Grille, Executive Secretary
For the Board of Directors
Candidate Bios

Fred Kleinsteuber
My wife and I have been homeowners here in Clearwater Beach since 1997. We currently live in Westbury and spend our summers here with our family. As a Director for Clearwater Beach for the past three years, I have managed several projects which includes the new playground and installation of the bocce court. I am pleased that we have received many compliments and appreciation from the community for these two additions. I was also instrumental in obtaining the two children’s picnic tables, upgrading our Porta Potties and Go Green timers in our picnic area including outlets.
Presently, I am working on the maintenance of our sun shed. The Board and I are constantly striving to improve our Reservation. We live in a condo community in Westbury where I am currently on the Security and Safety Committee. I have been active in community affairs which included running community events, Saturday computer classes in our local school and serving as a volunteer fireman. I have been an IBM Senior Project Manager, Assistant Dean of students at Plaza Business Institute as well as Senior Project Manager for AT&T, Dell, Computer Associates, and First Data Corporation.
Clearwater has been a very important part of our family life. Our grandchildren grew up here and our home is a family home. I hope to continue as Director in Clearwater to make our Reservation one we all can enjoy.
Gerry Giliberti
I’ve worked with the CBPOA board members for the past 13 years and I’ve been the President of the board for two seasons. I have owned property in Clearwater Beach since 1982 and have been a full time resident since 1985. I also have experience as a board member with the Springs Improvement Society and various Springs community-based art groups. I continue to write and edit the CBPOA newsletter and web site but my main interest is to do my part to preserve our neighborhood and keep Clearwater Beach the beautiful place that it is.
Rebecca Gordon
I have been a full-time resident of Clearwater Beach since 2019. Through sunset yoga, Women on Water, the boating safety class and the good fortune of having old friends living here, I have gotten to know many of the community members – both longtime residents and newer homeowners like myself. I have many years of management experience at smaller organizations, with a focus on relationship building and problem solving. I’m looking forward to working to continue to strengthen this great community!
Michael J. Waltz
I have resided in Clearwater Beach for several years. I love our community and the location within East Hampton. As a current Director of the CBPOA, I am eager to offer suggestions and ideas for improvements within the community.
I am a graduate of Pace University where I studied Finance and Economics. I have been coming out to East Hampton with my family since a child. I have many fond memories mostly during the summer but have been fortunate enough to enjoy the beauty of the east end year-round. My family and I thoroughly enjoy our time here and the benefits of living in Clearwater Beach.

Ken Neary
My parents and aunt and uncle purchased property and built their homes here in Clearwater in 1958. I have been a part time resident since then, coming out every summer from the time school closed to Labor Day, and every weekend in between. My wife Kim of 40 years and I now own the home on Sheepfold Lane and very much enjoy our little piece of heaven. Our four kids and their significant others and of course our 2 grandchildren and “two more on the way” and all our friends and family enjoy boating and all that Clearwater brings, including the stunning sunsets.
Since retiring from Verizon after 32 years I have been more than a part time resident here and started getting involved with the association and was voted in as a director, and now I volunteer my time as the Dock Master and would like to continue.
Scott Sasson
Thank you for the opportunity to serve on CBPOA board of directors. I have been frequenting the East End for the last 23 years. Most recently settling at our home on Springs Fireplace Rd in 2018 with my wife and our two border terriers. My family was drawn to the tranquility of Accabonac Harbor and the charm of Clearwater Beach.
My career started with dot-com web development transitioning to design build and most recently founding a flexible office/corp event venue in Manhattan.
Serving as the CBPOA Board of Directors technical advisor for over 2 years, we have implemented initiatives with the goal to enhance community engagement, maximize cost savings and develop new revenues sources via technology.
- Reservation WiFi and security system.
- Branded community email template – mailchimp.
- CBPOA Website 2.0 design and development.
- Digital newsletters.
- Recipe blog posts.
- Propane Depot revenue partnership and member benefits.
- Digital payment strategy for accounts receivables (pending).
- New hire introduction – Paul Trela CBPOA maintenance..
- Exterminator, heating oil, marine fuel partnerships (pending)
- Online voting software (pending).
More to come…
Paula Miano
I have been coming out to Clearwater Beach since the 1960’s when my family purchased here. I am a part time resident of the community, spending more time here since my retirement in 2013. This gave me an opportunity to attend monthly meetings as an observer, and to eventually become an advisor to the board, helping out as needed.
Jonathan Tarbet
My name is Jonathan Tarbet. I have been on the Board of Directors for two years and am running for another two-year term. I have lived in Clearwater full-time for 19 years and have 3 children. I am an active member of the community and volunteer with the Fire department and Hamptons Lifeguard Association. I have been a practicing lawyer in East Hampton for over 20 years and run a local law firm.
Stipe Steven Rancic
Steve became a resident of Clearwater in 2020. Steve and his wife Alice love the surrounding natural environment and waters. Steve is a lawyer with a background in securities litigation, and looks to apply his legal experience in service of the Clearwater community. Steve and his wife enjoy surfing, paddle boarding, biking, yoga and meditation.
Explanation of Officer Elections and By-Laws Proposals
This year, as usual, six of the 12 director positions are open for election for the prescribed two-year term. In addition, director Jim Carforo passed away and director Stuart Close resigned, and their terms have one more year to run and are available for election as well.
So, we have six seats open for two-year terms and two seats open for one-year terms:
The persons who have timely submitted their nominations are:
- Paul Miano, current director
- Gerry Giliberti, current director
- Michael Waltz, current director
- Fred Kleinsteuber, current director
- Ken Neary, current director
- Jon Tarbet, current director
- Scott Sassoon, current board adviser
- Rebecca Gordon
- Stipe Steven Rancic

We have 9 nominees for eight positions.
The six top vote-receiving nominees shall fill the two-year terms
The next two top vote-receiving nominees shall fill the one-year terms.
The Board of Directors recommends re-electing for the full two-year terms: Paula Miano, Gerry Giliberti, Michael Waltz, Fred Kleinsteuber, Ken Neary and Jon Tarbet.
The Board of Directors recommends electing for the one-year terms: Scott Sassoon and Rebecca Gordon.
Proposed By-Laws Amendment: East Hampton Town owns 30 vacant lots, dedicated for preservation. The Board has long-maintained a policy of not charging the Town membership fees so as not to give the Town any possible claim that the public may use our facilities. Because the By-Laws require each lot owner to pay membership dues and grants each dues-payer the rights of voting, participation and use of facilities, the Board now seeks to amend the By-Laws to codify the policy exempting the Town. The proposed amendment reads as follows:
The Directors recommend, “Yes” to the two Resolutions to amend the By-Laws:
*** SECTION 6: Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary in these By-Laws, membership fees for lots owned by East Hampton Town or other government or preservation entities are waived, and such owners shall have no rights of membership, including without limitation the right to vote or to otherwise participate in the affairs of the Association or to use the Association’s facilities.
The Directors of the Association shall be elected at the annual meeting. The members may vote in person or by secure electronic voting via computer, phone or tablet or similar method as authorized by the Board of Directors.

Summer at the Reservation
The first sign that the summer season has officially kicked off is having Gabe and Jim welcome you at the Reservation gate over Memorial Day weekend.
The Reservation has been alive with activity since then, and it has been great to catch up with neighbors on the bocce court, see families enjoying the playground and people relaxing in the early summer sunshine on the beach. Paddleboards are back in Hog Creek, and the kayak racks are a rainbow of bright colors.
Organized summer activities on the Reservation have begun, and many more are planned in the coming months. Please mark your calendars, beginning with our Annual Party on Saturday, July 9, 4pm – 8pm. We are so excited to come together for food, music and fun. The Annual Party is always a highlight of summer for the Clearwater Beach community. This year, we are starting a new tradition and will have a sign-up sheet to participate in a yoga class and bocce game (with bocce coaching!) at the picnic.
Roey Ficaro’s magical Yoga/meditation sessions have resumed and take place on Tuesday evenings from 7pm – 8pm (After Glow get together in the sun shed after Yoga..BYO, Beverage, snakes) and Friday mornings from 10am – 11am. Wednesday Morning’s Flow & Relax 10-11 pm.
You may contact Roey at [email protected] for more information.

The Women on Water (WoW) group was a big success last year and the group looks forward to welcoming new members. The group communicates via a WhatsApp thread. If you would like to be added to this thread, please download the WhatApp app and email Roey at [email protected] and share your name and mobile number with her. July 1 WoW Potluck Picnic w/Music, Boccee & Hula Hooping 6:30-9pm. All of the WoW activities are posted on the thread. Note: Full Moon Paddle July 14.
The bocce court has gotten a lot of use in these early summer weeks. We are so pleased that so many are enjoying the court. As a reminder, please ensure that the balls are put back in the box at the court after you finish playing. We already had some lost balls and we want to make sure there is always a set for everyone to enjoy. And for the bocce enthusiasts in our community, please let Roey ([email protected]) know if you would like to join the Clearwater Beach Bocce League.
We are so lucky to be able to host Nature Walks & Talks with the South Fork Natural History Museum & Nature Center (SoFo) on the Reservation again this year. The Birds and Beach Walk in early June was a big success and we saw more birds than we ever imagined! On June 26, from 10am – Noon, we will have a session on Preparing for Pollinators and on August 7 from 10am – Noon we will learn about Seining. Please contact Judy Freeman at [email protected] if you are interested in attending any of the SoFo events so we can get an attendance count in advance.
Story Salon East launched on June 8 and will continue at 6pm in the picnic area through September on the first and third Wednesday of each month. With a seven-minute limit, people tell a story. Seven people “telling” for seven minutes, and you’ve got an hour of midweek fun. Listeners are welcome! If you have any questions, you may contact Steve at [email protected].
And please keep an eye out for S’mores Night and the Children’s Fishing Contest. These events are always a big hit! More details to be shared soon.
See you on the Reservation!
Contributors to this article: Nancy Labiner, Judy Freeman, Roey Ficaro, Pat Shevlin and Fred Kleinsteubur.

Bocce League
If you are ready to show off your bocce skills this summer and would like to participate in a bocce league, please contact Roey at [email protected]. If there is enough interest, we will get a league going!
Story Salon East At Clearwater
Steve Sobel moderated this storytelling event for three years, firstat the East Hampton Library and then at Ashawagh Hall. In our little corner of the world, we have some fabulous storytellers! With a seven-minute limit, people tell a story. Seven people “telling” for seven minutes, and you’ve got an hour of midweek fun. Dates and time to follow soon. Anyone interested in participating can contact Steve at [email protected].
Players can bring their own Bocce balls or use the balls CBPOA has supplied. They are locked in a box next to the court. Lock Combo is: 1234
S’mores Night and Children’s Fishing Contest
More details COMING SOON!
As the days get longer and the setting sun moves closer to Shelter Island, you can almost feel the warm salty air on hose long summer days and nights. We are lucky to share such a special place and community.
See you on the Reservation this summer!

We are fortunate to have some of the best environmentalists from the South Fork Natural History Museum and Nature Center (SOFO) come to Clearwater Beach Reservation this summer. Their observations and talks are not to be missed –
We’re always delighted to see these flying creatures. This talk will include tips on the plants that sustain them and also look beautiful in our gardens. We will learn and get some tips about chemical-free plant care – good for bugs, plants and us gardeners. A list has been prepared of plants that you can buy locally. I will try to bring a few of these with me to be purchased after the event.
By Judy Freeman

June 26, 10:00 am. Preparing for Pollinators:
Bees, Butterflies and Birds – These flying creatures are a summer delight. This talk includes tips on the plants that sustain them (these plants also look beautiful in our gardens.) You will be given a list of these that are locally available.

August 7, 10:00 am. Seining
We’ll be looking at the plants and tiny fish swarming in our shallow waters. Nets will be provided to scoop out samples that you can drop into buckets for further examination identification. Some of you will be wading in the water – bathing suits and water shoes are suggested.
All ages welcome!
These nature programs will start promptly at 10am and are 2 hours long. Come early for coffee and donuts.
The above programs were arranged by Judy Freeman – if you have questions you can email her at [email protected]
Many of us want to look at the night skies.

From our lighting specialist, Susan Harder:
Firstly it seems that there is no enforcement. When renovations are done, inspectors inspect construction, but lighting seems to be forgotten and, in many cases, is not brought up to code as it’s supposed to be. I think unshielded lights are a big one. Often they are overly bright and spill across property lines. Bright spotlights set too sensitively can be on for hours into the night, triggered by wind, deer, etc. (There’s one I see almost every night from my window.)
A recent stair rebuild on my block now has lights set into each step- all eight of them, two per step, in addition to two very bright lights on the house that reaches across the road. I’m in the process of updating the lighting code and would love to hear from people about issues they would like to have addressed.
Swimming pool lights. These lights are magnified by the water and tend to be on late at night to late pool party areas. Noise from parties is greatly magnified over water, and people tend to talk loud in their pools (I’m sure there’s a reason for this.)
Please reach out and give people my email to submit comments.
[email protected]
And from Chris Ganitch:
I see pathway lights that appear to be overly bright and overly numerous for their purpose. In addition, I think there are excessive lumens that are allowed- too bright for what is needed. Uplighting should be prohibited moving forward, in my opinion.
And finally, why update the code if it’s not enforced? A corollary- Why must enforcement be complaint-driven? Hope this helps.

- Your lighting should have a clear purpose: Before installing or replacing a light, determine if that light is really needed and consider how it will impact the area including wildlife. Use reflective paints and markers for signs, curbs and steps rather than installing outdoor lights.
- Direct your light only where needed. Use shielding and carefully aim to target the direction – point downward and make sure it doesn’t spill over to other areas.
- Light should be no brighter than necessary – USE LOWEST LIGHT REQUIRED AND BE MINDFUL THAT SOME SURFACES (like swimming pools) REFLECT MORE LIGHT!
- Use timer controls and dimmers. Turn lights off when not needed.
- Use warmer color lights where possible. This will have less impact on the environment.
– These lighting principles were written by Susan Harder, our Town lighting specialist.
CBPOA Bench Dedications

Clearwater Beach Property owners can now donate a bench and/or picnic table to the reservation with plaque with a customized plaque as outlined below:
- In Loving Memory of “XXX” 2022
- Dedicated by the “XXX” Family 2022
- 7×5 Picnic Table Plaque $1950
- 9×3 Bench Plaque $1200
Please contact Michael Waltz at [email protected] with any questions
Welcome New Home Owners
Spring 2022 - Summer 2022
- Lisa Allen & Karen Weisz-Allen
- Regina & Tom Neilssen
- 94 Pembroke LLC
- Live Summer NY LLC
- Orion Trust
- Ivan Mesa & Jennifer Gomez
- Christopher Reeg & Nellie Sciutto
- Peter Brandi
- Thomas & Victoria Staubitser
- Will Jaffe & Abigail Houck
- Maria Velazquez Sanclemente
- Gray Sesame LLC

Environmental Safe Weed Killer
Use a 1 gallon sprayer and add:
- 1 gallon white vinegar.
- 1 cup table salt.
- 1 table spoon Dawn dishwashing detergent.

A special promo code “clearwater” is available to residents of Clearwater Beach
- Save $0.15 per gallon discount off of our regular great pricing for as long as they have the account with us.
- For every new “clearwater” account, Propane Depot will contribute $50 to the CBPOA community fund.
- All residents will also be eligible to receive a referral reward program, which currently entitles them to $25-50 per client they refer whom signs up for our Smart Fill service. (Account credit or a VISA gift card, program subject to change)